Saturday, January 11, 2014

A VERY Belated Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!!

     I am SO late on my blog post, and I'm SO sorry! Things just got so busy with end-of-semester finals, and work, and Christmas shopping! By the time I had any spare time to do anything, all I wanted to do at that point was just to take my free fifteen minute break and do nothing but BREATHE!! I made it through finals and the holiday, and had a pretty good New Year, though I will admit, I did not write down any official New Year's resolutions...whoops...
     For the Christmas holiday I got some wonderful french vanilla bath bombs, touchscreen-compatible gloves, lovely lipgloss, and some SoftLips chapstick (my favorite!). Now, somewhere within my new winter semester schedule, I just need to find time to take a bath so I can utilize those bath bombs. I did play around with the Dermablend CoverCreme foundation that I got, however I do not have any photos yet...still figuring out the best application technique. Sorry! Very delayed, I know.

     Oh! So in the rush and buzz of the holiday season my beloved gel eyeliner dried out (*sob*), but no fear! I found a way to revitalize it! Simply use heat, and a little bit of moisture!! It's REALLY easy, only takes 4 steps, and about 15 minutes.

How To Revitalize Your Dried-Out Gel Liner:

1. Get a microwavable bowl, or tupperware container (make sure it has it's accompanying lid), fill it halfway full with water, and put it in the microwave. You don't want the water to boil, you want it warm enough that there is steam coming off the surface, but no bubbles. I heated the water for about a minute and a half.

2. Make sure the lid on your pot of gel liner is nice and tight, then submerge it in the container of water. Place the lid on top, and let it sit for about 5-10 minutes.

3. Remove the pot from the container, and dry it off. With a small synthetic brush, or q-tip, mix the gel liner to distribute the moisture. Put the lid back on the pot, secure tightly, and let the pot cool.

4. Ta-da!!

Hope your New Year was fantastic! Happy adventures!! :)

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